Release Notes

v1.4.2 (unreleased)


New Features

  • nc-time-axis is now easily citable thanks to the addition of its CITATION.cff file (PR #129). Updates to the CITATION.cff are automatically validated by the new ci-citation GitHub Action. By Bill Little.

Bug fixes

  • N/A



v1.4.1 (April 20th, 2022)

New Features

  • Starting with this release, every new release of nc-time-axis will be associated with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) through Zenodo, making it easier to cite in academic articles (GH #104). By Spencer Clark.

Bug Fixes

  • As of matplotlib version 3.5, unit converters no longer need to support passing numeric or iterables of numeric values to their convert method. Accordingly, the matplotlib.units.ConversionInterface.is_numlike() method has been deprecated. For backwards compatibility with older versions of matplotlib, we have vendored this function for the time being, but will remove it once the minimum version of matplotlib supported by nc-time-axis is at least 3.5 (GH #97, PR #106). By Spencer Clark.


v1.4.0 (October 23rd, 2021)


New Features

Bug Fixes


v1.3.1 (June 14th, 2021)


v1.3.0 (June 11th, 2021)


  • Support for Python 2 was dropped.


  • Migrated continuous integration from travis-ci to cirrus-ci through GitHub Actions. Added formatting and linting checks. Updated packaging to use setuptools. Added issue and pull request templates. Enabled GitHub discussions. For more details see GH #63 and PR #66. By Bill Little.

  • Changed the name of the primary branch from master to main (PR #68). By Bill Little.

Bug Fixes

v1.2.0 (January 25th, 2019)


New Features

v1.1.0 (May 31st, 2018)



  • Updated continuous integration tests to be run with both Python 2 and Python 3 (PR #33). By Filipe Fernandes.

  • Updated continuous integration to use install_requires information to install dependencies of nc-time-axis instead of a requirements file (GH #27, PR #28). By Phil Elson.

  • Added installation and test requirements to (PR #26). By Luke Carroll.


  • Added installation instructions and a usage example to the README for display on GitHub (PR #24, PR #25). By @mbeedie.

v1.0.2 (March 7th, 2017)


Bug Fixes

v1.0.1 (November 23rd, 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug the prevented converting numpy arrays of datetime objects. This enables making Hovmoller diagrams using nc-time-axis. By Peter Killick.

v1.0.0 (July 1st, 2016)

This is the initial release of the nc-time-axis package. It is based on a prototype written by Phil Elson, which was made production-ready by Laura Dreyer.

New Features

